

Structural formulas of works of art

Learn together with TAO how to get to the heart of the inner meaning of a work of art and pour it into a linguistically demanding structural formula. TAO helps you focus on a work's essential contrasts of meaning in order to recognize and conceptualize them in their contradictory aesthetic collision. The structural formula ultimately expresses the inner productive inconsistency of the work and itself becomes a kind of work of art, since, comparable to poetry, it gets to the heart of what is actually linguistically incomprehensible.

In this online seminar we will get to know the abbreviated method of objective work analysis. With a little patience and practice, we can distil the essence of a work in just a few sentences. Therefore, we practice this abbreviated method on numerous works of art history. Although this seminar is only written, it is a very practical format with a very high level of knowledge gain.

The seminar runs for two weeks.

Participation fee: 180 euros

You can easily register via: info@t-a-o.org